World Environment Day: Solidarité Technologique and the Yaoundé 4 Town Hall celebrate the environment

The World Environment Day was established by the United Nations in 1974. It is now celebrated every 5 June in over 100 countries. It aims to encourage global awareness and action to protect our environment. The theme for 2022 is #OnlyOneEarth and calls for collective and transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.
Solidarité Technologique regularly organises caravans to raise awareness among the population in the neighbourhoods of the city of Yaoundé, but wished to organise a more specific event aimed at the users and staff of the Yaoundé 4 Town Hall. The latter were therefore sensitised and trained, during the day of 1 June 2022, as a prelude to the World Environment Day which officially took place on 5 June, on the dangers of WEEE and the need to have them treated by an approved operator in order to reduce their impact on the environment and health.
Installed in the esplanade of the Yaoundé 4 City Hall, we were able to educate and raise awareness among approximately 600 users on the category of waste that constitutes Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), on the dangers of this waste and on the means of management in favour of the protection of the Environment and Health. This awareness-raising was done through the distribution of leaflets and an illustration of the types of WEEE and the pollutants that can be found in them.
Solidarité Technologique’s stand at the esplanade of the Yaoundé 4 Town Hall
Raising users’ awareness of the dangers of WEEE
In addition, during a training session of about one and a half hours in the conference room of the Yaoundé 4 Town Hall, about twenty-eight (28) employees of the Town Hall were trained on the management of WEEE.
Training session for the staff of the Town Hall by the Technical Coordinator of the WEEECAM Project and the QHSE Manager of Solidarité Technologique
At the end of our activities, the general observation was that there was a lack of knowledge on the subject of electronic waste, both among visitors and employees of the town hall.
It is therefore essential to continue our training, education and awareness-raising activities on this subject, as electronic waste is constantly increasing in volume, both in Cameroon and throughout the world.
In order to raise awareness, Solidarité Technologique is holding an open house for anyone wishing to visit the WEEE treatment centre and gain a deeper understanding of what real WEEE treatment is. Contact us for more information.
To this end, we have invited the employees of the Yaoundé 4 commune to visit our site, and by extension, we propose that all the employees of the Yaoundé communes visit our site. The aim is to build long-term partnerships with the various communes, with the organisation of more regular awareness-raising events or partnerships for the pre-collection of WEEE.
Only One Earth, only one planet, we have only one, so together, let us take actions that contribute to its restoration and preservation.