Services for companies and institutions

Does your company, association, NGO or institution have Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE / E-Waste) or import Electrical and Electronic Equipments? If so, contact us, we will respond specifically to your needs as soon as possible. We are active throughout Cameroon.

Here are the different services we offer:

Image illustrant la collecte des Déchets Electroniques

E-Waste Collection

When you contact us, we assess the quantity and types of waste using photos you provide us, or by visiting your site to assess the stock. We can then provide you with a quote based on the toxicity and/or recyclability of the waste.

Secure Data Erasure

If you wish to have all confidential data from your electronic equipment erased, we have all the software tools that permit us to do so, and we provide you with a certificate of destruction at the end of the treatment.

Photo illustrant le service proposé par Solidarité Technologique aux entreprises d'effacement sécurisé de leurs données sur les appareils électriques et électroniques qu'ils collectent.
Photo d'un des employés de Solidarité Technologique en train de démanteler une unité centrale.

Treatment of your Electronic Waste

When it is possible, we repair some of your equipments to give them a second life. If it is not the case (most of the time), we dismantle them, i.e. we separate all the materials that make them up in order to find a recycling or elimination channel for them.

Traceability of Treatment

After processing your WEEE, we provide you with the official Traceability Manifesto, signed and stamped by MINEPDED, as well as a Waste Processing Report.

Image illustrant le reporting effectué après traitement des déchets électroniques (Remise d'un Manifeste de Traçabilité du MINEPDED, et d'un bilan de traitement)
Photo de conteneurs aux ports, permet d'illustrer l'activité d'importation d'équipements électriques et électroniques, que Solidarité Technologique accompagne en fournissant le Certificat de Reprise à l'Importation.

Assistance for the Importation of Equipment

If you are an importer of new or second-hand electrical and electronic equipment into Cameroon, we can provide you with the C.R.I. (Certificate of Import Take-back), which certifies that the equipment you import will be taken care of when it reaches its end of its life.