Historically, Solidarité Technologique started its activity in with professional training in Cameroon. Since 2004, we have been offering professional trainings to young adults in computer maintenance and office automation in daytime classes. In 2020, we started a new training branch in Office Administration and Accounting, given as an evening class. The courses offered in all of these courses are both theoretical and practical, thanks to a high-performance technical platform and efficient teachers.
At the end of these courses, we deliver a Certificate of Completion to all students who have completed and validated the entire classes. Students can then take the Professional Qualification Diploma (DQP) for the Computer Maintenance and Office Administration courses, or the Professional Qualification Certificate (CQP) for the Office Administration and Accounting courses. These two diplomas are official diplomas issued by the MINEFOP. Students are then supported in their job search, through our local network of partner companies.
We are continuously working to improve the content of our training courses, and in the medium term we hope to expand the range of professional training courses we offer, in order to equip more and more young Cameroonians for the world of work!
The Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training has renewed our approval again this year, it is N° 044/MINEFOP/SG/DFOP/SDGSF/SACD of January 24th 2022.